1. Set measurable goals.
Make sure your goals are measurable and realistic. You need tools with which you can take measurements efficiently. Here are some content marketing measurements:
– Revenue: How many sales, subscriptions, or paid downloads (if applicable) your site has acquired per month.
– Leads: form submission, newsletter subscription, conversion rate, subscription.
– Loyalty: returning customers, bounce rate, subscriptions minus unsubscribes to anything subscription-based.
– Engagement: social media growth over time, reactions, comments, shares, views, retweets.
2. Optimize your content.
Keyword research is key. Studying what other people are typing when doing research will make your content easier to find, but will keep your audience engaged. Also, the content needs to be visually appealing, so put effort into images that are related to your content.
3. Analyze.
Once you start tracking your content, you can easily see what worked and what didn’t. If you constantly turn to analytics, it will open up new opportunities that can help you achieve your goals.