Messaging giant Telegram is set to alter its approach to user data by providing authorities with user IP addresses and phone numbers in response to valid legal requests, as announced by CEO Pavel Durov. This significant policy shift aims to curb criminal activities and comes in the wake of Durov’s recent legal troubles in France, where he faces charges related to crimes allegedly committed on the platform.

The decision to revise Telegram’s terms of service reflects a departure from its historically lax stance on government data requests. Durov stated that the change is designed to protect the platform from misuse, acknowledging that the app has been associated with various illegal activities. This move arrives just weeks after Durov’s arrest in France, where prosecutors accuse him of complicity in the dissemination of child sexual abuse materials.

The new policy aims to enhance Telegram’s reputation as a responsible platform, as it previously garnered criticism for its non-responsiveness to government requests. The application, which has faced scrutiny from numerous global authorities, is now taking steps to ensure compliance with legal frameworks while maintaining its commitment to user privacy.

Durov has emphasized that the platform will leverage artificial intelligence and a dedicated team of moderators to conceal problematic content from search results, a crucial part of its strategy to deter misuse. This proactive approach signifies a shift towards increased accountability while still attempting to protect user rights.

Despite facing serious allegations, Durov maintains his innocence and has been ordered to remain in France throughout the investigation. Under his leadership, Telegram has previously drawn both admiration and ire from various governments, often being utilized by protesters while also serving as a platform for extremist groups.

Durov’s arrest has triggered several policy changes within the company, including recent restrictions on media uploads, aimed at combating bots and scams. As Telegram navigates these turbulent waters, its future approach to user data and compliance with government requests will be closely monitored by both supporters and critics alike.

For more details, read the full article here.