Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, proudly highlighted the staggering success of the messaging app, which now boasts a whopping 900 million monthly active users. Durov revealed that the platform’s user base has surged from 500 million at the beginning of 2021, underscoring its exponential growth in a short span.
Monetization Milestones: Hundreds of Millions in Revenue
Durov disclosed that Telegram, once hailed as one of the world’s most popular social networking applications, has achieved significant financial milestones. With the introduction of advertising and premium subscription services, the platform now rakes in “hundreds of millions of dollars” in revenue. Furthermore, Durov expressed optimism about Telegram entering profitable operations, foreseeing it happening as early as next year, if not sooner under favorable conditions.
Sky-High Valuation and IPO Aspirations
Notably, Durov shared that potential investors, including “global last-stage technology funds,” have extended offers valuing Telegram at more than a staggering $30 billion. Despite the tempting propositions, Durov categorically ruled out selling the platform, opting instead for a potential initial public offering (IPO). He emphasized that the move towards monetization aimed at preserving Telegram’s independence, viewing an IPO as a means to democratize access to the app’s value.
U.S. Listing on the Horizon
Sources with knowledge of the matter suggest that Telegram is likely to pursue a U.S. listing once the company achieves profitability and market conditions align favorably. Although Durov remained tight-lipped on the exact timing and location of the IPO, he confirmed that Telegram is actively exploring various options. Moreover, in a unique move reminiscent of Reddit, Durov hinted at the possibility of selling shares to loyal Telegram users during the IPO.
Enhanced Moderation and AI Integration
With an eye on global events, particularly numerous elections, Durov outlined Telegram’s plan to bolster its moderation processes in the coming year. As part of this effort, the platform intends to deploy artificial intelligence mechanisms to proactively address potential issues. However, Durov clarified that as long as users avoid crossing “red lines,” Telegram won’t infringe on their freedom of expression.
As Telegram continues to ascend to new heights, the prospect of a massive IPO and the incorporation of advanced technologies signal a dynamic future for the messaging app. Pavel Durov’s unwavering commitment to independence and innovation underscores Telegram’s resilience in the fiercely competitive landscape of social networking applications.
Source: Financial Times