1. Include a custom CTA button on your LinkedIn page.
If you want your firm to be in the spotlight, you may need to get more creative with your corporate page than your profile. First of all, you need to optimize your page for search and leads. Be sure to include keywords in your page’s tagline and description, and add up to 20 specialties or activities to serve as tags.
2. Filter out page action mentions
It’s important to be active in LinkedIn conversations to improve lead generation. In addition to starting conversations, you can use the platform to find and participate in discussions happening in your industry or field. Depending on what you find, you can use LinkedIn’s social listening tools to generate leads.
3. Use LinkedIn’s employee advocacy tools to expand your reach
There are several ways to get more value from organic content without spending on your ad budget. One way is to promote content through the employee advocacy feature. On your company page, scroll to the content you want to promote. Find the three dots above the message and click Notify Employees. Thus, LinkedIn will automatically alert employees of the firm when new content is available so that they can also promote it.
4. Use LinkedIn Lead Forms
You can use the LinkedIn Lead Generation Campaign objective to find leads without having to go to your website. This campaign setup includes custom lead forms that people can fill out right on the platform.
via jdsupra.com